Frequently Asked Questions

How do I register for lessons at Epiphany Music Academy?

By clicking here you can fill out our registration form and an administrator will contact you to find the instructor and time right for you or your child.

How long are lessons and how often do they happen?

Lessons can be 30, 45, or 60 minutes (special circumstances can be longer) on a weekly basis. There can be some variations depending on the level and needs of the student and on advice of the instructor.

How much do music lessons at Epiphany Music Academy cost?

Tuition is billed monthly based on the number of lessons scheduled for that month. If a regularly scheduled lesson in the month is cancelled before the month begins, the invoice will reflect that.

Where can I learn about the instructors at Epiphany Music Academy?

Our faculty are skilled teaching artists you can find out about here.

When is the academy closed? Does it follow school schedules?

The Epiphany Music Academy is open year round with a 1 to 2 week closure at the end of December into the new year. If you or your student will be out of town for a regularly scheduled lesson, notice is requested at least 1 month in advance. Instructors take vacation and travel for performance at personally chosen dates and will communicate planned absences well in advance. Students are not charged for lessons that occur during an instructor’s planned absence.

Does the academy hold recitals?

Approximately 3 recitals for students are held annually, corresponding to Fall, Winter and Spring. Students are invited by instructors to participate when advisable. Recitals are held as a chance for students to display their learning and for students and families to come together to support each other and their musical endeavors.

Music at Epiphany also hosts many musical offerings throughout the year